Popular Tutoring Packages
20 hours (10 weeks) total
Recommended for most students with SAT score goals from 1200-1350 (ACT 26-29)
Tuition - $215/hr
32 Hours / 16 Weeks Total
Recommended for strong students with (P)SAT score goals of 1350+ (ACT 30+)
Typically 18 hours prior to the PSAT , followed by 12 prior to the SAT/ACT.
Tuition - $200/hr
8.5 hours Total
1.5hr initial lesson, remainder 1hrRecommended for all Freshman and Sophomores looking to improve their efficient reading skills - learn to increase reading speed, preview more efficiently, identify arguments, and restate a thesis.
Private - $160/hr
Small Group (2-4) - $120/hr -
Total Hours | Rate
25+ $200
24 $210
20 $215
18 $220
12 $225
Pay-As-You-Go $250
Why private tutoring?
Personalized attention
Private tutoring provides your child with one-on-one attention and a personalized study plan that can help them identify and address their strengths and weaknesses.The skills we’ll be working on will be fundamental for their success throughout the next four years.
Scheduling Up Front
At Breakthrough, we understand that every student is unique and that's why we customize our approach to fit their individual needs. We also believe in being upfront and honest with parents about our methods, costs, and progress. We'll agree on the number of lessons and schedule in advance - no hidden fees, unnecessary packages or surprises. If you’d like to make sure we're the right fit for your teen before committing to a package, we’re happy to schedule a few introductory lessons - just give us a call!
Math and Verbal Lessons assessed separately
We assess verbal and math skills separately - during our intake we’ll build a schedule that ensures students make the best use of their time, and parents make the best use of their money.
Time savings
By working with an experienced tutor, your child can save time by focusing their efforts on the areas where they need the most improvement. This can help them achieve their target score much more quickly and efficiently than studying on their own.
Confidence boost
Private tutoring can help boost your child's confidence by providing them with the test-taking skills, pacing strategies, and support that help them maintain a positive attitude towards their academic abilities.
Stress reduction
Especially as AP tests, sports schedules, and college applications start to build up, standardized tests can be a stressful experience for many students. Private tutoring can provide support and guidance they need to keep perspective and feel confident and prepared on test day.