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What to Expect on Test Day
Before test day, make sure you become familiar with these procedures and rules.
If this is your teen’s first experience with the digital SAT - here’s everything you need to know about the new format.
Check for Test Center Closings
Monitor test center closings in the days leading up to your test and the day of your test to make sure your test center hasn't changed or closed.
We also recommend that you check directly with the test center, including the test center's website, on the morning of the test.
Doors Open at 7:45 a.m.
All test centers open at 7:45 a.m. Doors close at 8 a.m., unless otherwise noted on your admission ticket. You can’t be admitted once testing has started. If you're late or absent on test day, you can reschedule. We recommend rescheduling as opposed to reregistering—it will cost less. Find out more about changing your registration information.
Make sure you show up with everything you need.
Testing Starts Between 8:30 and 9 a.m.
Your seat is assigned, not chosen by you. Wait to be seated. Here’s what will happen next:
The proctor will read all instructions verbatim from a manual and can answer questions only about procedure, not about test questions or content.
The proctor will tell you when to start and stop working on each section.
You must work within each section of the test only for the time allotted.
You may not go back to a section once that section has ended.
You may not go ahead to a new section if you finish a section early.
Don’t skip sections. Doing so may result in score cancellation, delays, or both.
After the test is finished, the proctor will collect and count the test books to make sure all materials have been turned in before dismissing you from the testing room.
Don’t be surprised if your test experience isn’t exactly like that of the student sitting next to you. The sections in your test book might be different.
For most students, there’s one 10-minute and one 5-minute break during the test, the only times you can eat and drink.
Keep your ID and admission ticket with you at all times. They’ll be checked every time you enter the testing room.
Test books, answer sheets, and calculators must remain on your desk during breaks.
You can't use this time to power up devices, like mobile phones—if you do, your scores will be canceled.
You’ll likely be done around noon.
We mention mobile phones and electronics often, and for good reason. Your scores will be canceled if you don’t follow the rules around devices.
Things to keep in mind:
Test administration staff reserves the right to collect and hold mobile phones and other prohibited electronic devices during the test administration, including during break periods.
If your device makes noise, or if you’re seen using it, or if you attempt to access it at any time, including breaks, you’ll be dismissed immediately, your scores can be canceled, and the device may be confiscated.
College Board isn’t responsible for loss or damage to personal items, including electronic devices, while you’re in the test center.

PSAT Prep Workshop
Jumpstart Your Teen's Success on the New Digital PSAT with Our Half-Day In-Person Workshop!
For over 25 years, we've been empowering 9th and 10th graders to stay ahead in PSAT preparation with our half-day PSAT Prep Workshop. Now, with the introduction of the new Digital PSAT, it's more crucial than ever for students to familiarize themselves with the format early on. That's why we're hosting two of our PSAT Prep Workshops this year - with an in-person or Early Bird virtual option. We'll guide students and parents through the changes in the PSAT, demonstrate how to use the College Board's new BlueBook App for practice tests, and share our proven strategies that consistently deliver results.
Why Our Workshop Stands Out
Fast and effective half-day session
Small groups for personalized attention and support
Tailor-made for 9th and 10th graders
Exclusive access to our proven PSAT success techniques
Comprehensive grasp of the new digital test format
Customized study methods for each test section
Mastery of core strategies featured in our programs
Includes an SAT Self-Study Guide for all participants
Class Size: Small group (8-20)
Date: Sunday, Oct 8
Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Launch Workplaces 1201 Seven Locks Rd, Suite 360 Rockville MD 20854
Tuition: $225 (including materials
Reserve your place via the button below, you’ll receive a confirmation and SMS reminder before the date.
Location: Launch Workplaces 1201 Seven Locks Rd, Suite 360 Rockville MD 20854

July ACT
What to Bring on Test Day
Bring These
Admission Ticket
Print a copy of your admission ticket to bring to the test center. If you forget your ticket on test day, your scores may be delayed.
If you have lost your ticket, you can print another through your MyACT account.
Acceptable Photo identification
Acceptable photo identification is required to be admitted to the test center. You will not be admitted to test if your ID does not meet ACT requirements.
Unless required by your local laws at the test center, masks are not required for admission. However, you may wish to bring a mask and ACT recommends masks in accordance with CDC guidance.
Number 2 pencil
Bring sharpened, No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens). Do not bring any other writing instruments; you will not be allowed to use them.
Watch or Other Timing Device
You may bring a watch, timer, or stopwatch to pace yourself during testing, but it may not have an alarm. Your watch or other timing device must be removed and placed on your desk while in the test room, so that it remains visible to staff during the test. If an alarm sounds, you’ll be dismissed and your test will not be scored.
Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. You are not required to use a calculator at all, but if you do, it
is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.
to eat outside the test center on break.
Don't bring any of these; you can't access them:
Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, or other aids
Highlighter pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid/tape
Any electronic device, other than a permitted calculator and acceptable watch or timing device
Reading material
Tobacco in any form
Prohibited devices
The prohibited use of devices is in effect from the time you are admitted to your testing room until you are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:
You may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, Wi-Fi, internet, or communication capabilities.
All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight.
If you access your device or it activates or alarms in the testing room or during break times, you will be dismissed, your test will not be scored, and your phone or device may be taken away.
Calculator Policy
The ACT calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials.
Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.
Acceptable Forms of ID
Current official photo ID
Must be an original, current (valid) ID issued by a city/state/federal government agency or your school.
ID must be in hard plastic card format. Paper or electronic formats are NOT acceptable.
Your first and last names must match the ticket. The photo must be clearly recognizable as you.
ACT Student Identification Form with photo
You MUST present this ACT Student Identification Form (PDF) with photo if you do not have a current official photo ID as described above.
This document must be fully completed by a school official or notary public; neither may be a relative.
Unacceptable Forms of ID
You will not be admitted to test if you present any forms of ID other than those listed as acceptable. The following are examples of unacceptable identification:
ACT ticket alone
Birth certificate
ChildFind ID card
Credit, charge, bank or check cashing cards, even with photo
Family portrait or graduation picture, even if the name is imprinted on the photo
Fishing or hunting license
ID issued by an employer
ID letter that is not an official ACT identification form
LA Wallet
Learner's driving permit (if it doesn't include a photo)
Temporary/replacement driver's license (if it doesn't include a photo)
Organization membership card
Passport or other photo ID so old that the person presenting it cannot be identified
Personal recognition by anyone, including members of the test center staff, classmates, parents, counselors, and teachers
Photo ID of parents
Photo with your name embossed or printed on it by a photographer
Photocopies or reproductions
Photos issued by a business for promotional purposes (e.g., amusement parks)
Police report of a stolen wallet or purse
Printed, stamped, or photocopied signatures
Published photo, including yearbook or newspaper
Report card
Social Security card
Telephone calls to counselors, teachers, or school officials
Traffic ticket, even with a physical description and signature
Transcript, even with photo
Web page with photo
ACT Test Descriptions
The full ACT consists of four multiple-choice sections—in English, mathematics, reading, and science—with an optional writing section.
TestNumber of QuestionsMinutes Per TestEnglish7545Mathematics6060Reading4035Science4035Writing (optional)1 essay40
Your scores will be based only on the number of questions that you answer correctly; there is no penalty for guessing. Try to answer every question within the time allowed for each section.
What to Expect on Test Day
Going to the Test Center
Dress comfortably. Consider dressing in layers, so you'll be comfortable.
Arrive by 8:00 am.
If you're unsure where your test center is located, do a practice run to see how to get there and what time you'll need to leave.
If possible, travel to the test center on a non-test day to plan your travel time.
You must arrive on time to be admitted to test. Your testing time is located on your admission ticket. You will NOT be admitted to test if you are late. Testing staff will check your photo ID during check in. Be ready to begin testing after all on-time examinees are checked in.
Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures. Testing staff may use an electronic device or paper materials to administer the test.
During the Test
Once you break the seal on your test booklet, you cannot request a Test Date Change, even if you do not complete all your tests.
A permitted calculator may be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted. Please refer to the ACT Calculator Policy (PDF).
Do not engage in any prohibited behavior at the test center. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored.
During your registration process, you will agree to the ACT Terms and Conditions, which contains detailed information about prohibited behavior. On test day, you will once again be asked to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Taking a Break
A short break is scheduled after the second test. Using cell phones or any electronic devices during the break is prohibited. You may eat or drink outside the test room during the break.
If you take the ACT with writing, you will have time before the writing test to relax and sharpen your pencils.
Finishing Up
After the science test you should expect to take a shorter, multiple-choice test covering one of the previous subject areas. The results of the fifth test help develop future test questions and will not be reflected on your scores, so please try your best.
Students taking the ACT (no writing) with standard time are normally dismissed about 12:35 p.m.; students taking the ACT with writing are normally dismissed about 1:35 p.m.
If you do not want your scores reported, you must tell a member of the testing staff before you leave the test center. If you do not, your test will be scored.
Additional Reminders
Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures including, but not limited to, collecting images of examinees during check-in or other security activities on test day.
Also remember that cheating hurts everyone. If you see it, report it.
Unexpected Changes
Missed Your Test Date?
Once you have submitted your registration to ACT, by any method, it cannot be canceled. For more information see Registration Changes.
Rescheduled Test Centers
Occasionally, a test center must cancel a test administration due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances. When this occurs, the test will be rescheduled for a future date. Visit Rescheduled Test Centers to find out if your test center has been rescheduled and for more information about procedures.

Summer Reading Bootcamp
Efficient Reading Training - Summer Bootcamp (June-July)
Is your high school student struggling with reading assignments or feeling overwhelmed by the (P)SAT? Our Small Group Efficient Reading Training Program can help them improve their skills and boost their confidence!
Designed for 9th and 10th graders, our program focuses on developing reading speed and comprehension. Over the course of six scheduled lessons, students will learn to develop a reading range from 300 wpm to 1000 wpm, becoming more flexible readers who can adapt to any material.
In addition to improving reading speed, our program emphasizes study skills and note-taking techniques to help students retain more information. We cover various types of reading material, including novels, standardized test passages, newspapers, scientific articles, and textbooks.
Our small-group (2-4 students) workshops provide students with the individualized attention and support they need to succeed. By the end of the program, your high school student will have the skills and strategies necessary to excel academically and on the (P)SAT.
Private lessons are also available, either in place of or as a supplement to the bootcamp - just get in touch for details, or indicate your interest on the registration form.
Enroll your high school student in our Small Group Efficient Reading Training Program today and help them become confident and efficient readers!
CLASS SIZE: 2-4 maximum
LESSON DATES: SECTION 1: Wednesdays, June 21 – July 26
SECTION 2: Thursdays, July 27 – August 31
TIME: 5:00-6:30 pm, lesson 1 ONLY; 5:00-6:00 pm remaining lessons
LOCATION: 11700 Charen Lane, Potomac, MD (2 blocks from Churchill HS)
TUITION: $750 (includes all materials)

June ACT
What to Bring on Test Day
Bring These
Admission Ticket
Print a copy of your admission ticket to bring to the test center. If you forget your ticket on test day, your scores may be delayed.
If you have lost your ticket, you can print another through your MyACT account.
Acceptable Photo identification
Acceptable photo identification is required to be admitted to the test center. You will not be admitted to test if your ID does not meet ACT requirements.
Unless required by your local laws at the test center, masks are not required for admission. However, you may wish to bring a mask and ACT recommends masks in accordance with CDC guidance.
Number 2 pencil
Bring sharpened, No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens). Do not bring any other writing instruments; you will not be allowed to use them.
Watch or Other Timing Device
You may bring a watch, timer, or stopwatch to pace yourself during testing, but it may not have an alarm. Your watch or other timing device must be removed and placed on your desk while in the test room, so that it remains visible to staff during the test. If an alarm sounds, you’ll be dismissed and your test will not be scored.
Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. You are not required to use a calculator at all, but if you do, it
is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.
to eat outside the test center on break.
Don't bring any of these; you can't access them:
Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, or other aids
Highlighter pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid/tape
Any electronic device, other than a permitted calculator and acceptable watch or timing device
Reading material
Tobacco in any form
Prohibited devices
The prohibited use of devices is in effect from the time you are admitted to your testing room until you are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:
You may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, Wi-Fi, internet, or communication capabilities.
All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight.
If you access your device or it activates or alarms in the testing room or during break times, you will be dismissed, your test will not be scored, and your phone or device may be taken away.
Calculator Policy
The ACT calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials.
Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.
Acceptable Forms of ID
Current official photo ID
Must be an original, current (valid) ID issued by a city/state/federal government agency or your school.
ID must be in hard plastic card format. Paper or electronic formats are NOT acceptable.
Your first and last names must match the ticket. The photo must be clearly recognizable as you.
ACT Student Identification Form with photo
You MUST present this ACT Student Identification Form (PDF) with photo if you do not have a current official photo ID as described above.
This document must be fully completed by a school official or notary public; neither may be a relative.
Unacceptable Forms of ID
You will not be admitted to test if you present any forms of ID other than those listed as acceptable. The following are examples of unacceptable identification:
ACT ticket alone
Birth certificate
ChildFind ID card
Credit, charge, bank or check cashing cards, even with photo
Family portrait or graduation picture, even if the name is imprinted on the photo
Fishing or hunting license
ID issued by an employer
ID letter that is not an official ACT identification form
LA Wallet
Learner's driving permit (if it doesn't include a photo)
Temporary/replacement driver's license (if it doesn't include a photo)
Organization membership card
Passport or other photo ID so old that the person presenting it cannot be identified
Personal recognition by anyone, including members of the test center staff, classmates, parents, counselors, and teachers
Photo ID of parents
Photo with your name embossed or printed on it by a photographer
Photocopies or reproductions
Photos issued by a business for promotional purposes (e.g., amusement parks)
Police report of a stolen wallet or purse
Printed, stamped, or photocopied signatures
Published photo, including yearbook or newspaper
Report card
Social Security card
Telephone calls to counselors, teachers, or school officials
Traffic ticket, even with a physical description and signature
Transcript, even with photo
Web page with photo
ACT Test Descriptions
The full ACT consists of four multiple-choice sections—in English, mathematics, reading, and science—with an optional writing section.
TestNumber of QuestionsMinutes Per TestEnglish7545Mathematics6060Reading4035Science4035Writing (optional)1 essay40
Your scores will be based only on the number of questions that you answer correctly; there is no penalty for guessing. Try to answer every question within the time allowed for each section.
What to Expect on Test Day
Going to the Test Center
Dress comfortably. Consider dressing in layers, so you'll be comfortable.
Arrive by 8:00 am.
If you're unsure where your test center is located, do a practice run to see how to get there and what time you'll need to leave.
If possible, travel to the test center on a non-test day to plan your travel time.
You must arrive on time to be admitted to test. Your testing time is located on your admission ticket. You will NOT be admitted to test if you are late. Testing staff will check your photo ID during check in. Be ready to begin testing after all on-time examinees are checked in.
Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures. Testing staff may use an electronic device or paper materials to administer the test.
During the Test
Once you break the seal on your test booklet, you cannot request a Test Date Change, even if you do not complete all your tests.
A permitted calculator may be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted. Please refer to the ACT Calculator Policy (PDF).
Do not engage in any prohibited behavior at the test center. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored.
During your registration process, you will agree to the ACT Terms and Conditions, which contains detailed information about prohibited behavior. On test day, you will once again be asked to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Taking a Break
A short break is scheduled after the second test. Using cell phones or any electronic devices during the break is prohibited. You may eat or drink outside the test room during the break.
If you take the ACT with writing, you will have time before the writing test to relax and sharpen your pencils.
Finishing Up
After the science test you should expect to take a shorter, multiple-choice test covering one of the previous subject areas. The results of the fifth test help develop future test questions and will not be reflected on your scores, so please try your best.
Students taking the ACT (no writing) with standard time are normally dismissed about 12:35 p.m.; students taking the ACT with writing are normally dismissed about 1:35 p.m.
If you do not want your scores reported, you must tell a member of the testing staff before you leave the test center. If you do not, your test will be scored.
Additional Reminders
Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures including, but not limited to, collecting images of examinees during check-in or other security activities on test day.
Also remember that cheating hurts everyone. If you see it, report it.
Unexpected Changes
Missed Your Test Date?
Once you have submitted your registration to ACT, by any method, it cannot be canceled. For more information see Registration Changes.
Rescheduled Test Centers
Occasionally, a test center must cancel a test administration due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances. When this occurs, the test will be rescheduled for a future date. Visit Rescheduled Test Centers to find out if your test center has been rescheduled and for more information about procedures.

June SAT
Register at collegeboard.org
What to Expect on Test Day
Before test day, make sure you become familiar with these procedures and rules.
Pandemic Safety Procedures
While many test centers are still requiring masks, your test center may have decided not to if students in your area aren't wearing masks in school during the week. Check your test center's website to see if the mask requirement for the SAT has been waived. Bring a mask on test day, just in case, and wear it as directed by the test center. Remember to also practice social distancing at all times.
Be prepared to answer questions about your health prior to entering the test center. If you feel sick the day of your test, please stay home. Contact customer service for your options. You won’t be charged a change or cancellation fee if you stay home due to illness.
Check your test center's website for any additional or specific entry requirements it may have. If you're traveling to test, it's your responsibility to know and follow any quarantine requirements or travel restrictions in the location where you're testing. At check-in, test centers might require proof that you've followed quarantine requirements, travel restrictions, or both.
Check for Test Center Closings
Monitor test center closings in the days leading up to your test and the day of your test to make sure your test center hasn't changed or closed.
We also recommend that you check directly with the test center, including the test center's website, on the morning of the test.
Doors Open at 7:45 a.m.
All test centers open at 7:45 a.m. Doors close at 8 a.m., unless otherwise noted on your admission ticket. You can’t be admitted once testing has started. If you're late or absent on test day, you can reschedule. We recommend rescheduling as opposed to reregistering—it will cost less. Find out more about changing your registration information.
Make sure you show up with everything you need.
Testing Starts Between 8:30 and 9 a.m.
Your seat is assigned, not chosen by you. Wait to be seated. Here’s what will happen next:
The proctor will read all instructions verbatim from a manual and can answer questions only about procedure, not about test questions or content.
The proctor will tell you when to start and stop working on each section.
You must work within each section of the test only for the time allotted.
You may not go back to a section once that section has ended.
You may not go ahead to a new section if you finish a section early.
Don’t skip sections. Doing so may result in score cancellation, delays, or both.
After the test is finished, the proctor will collect and count the test books to make sure all materials have been turned in before dismissing you from the testing room.
Don’t be surprised if your test experience isn’t exactly like that of the student sitting next to you. The sections in your test book might be different.
For most students, there’s one 10-minute and one 5-minute break during the test, the only times you can eat and drink.
Keep your ID and admission ticket with you at all times. They’ll be checked every time you enter the testing room.
Test books, answer sheets, and calculators must remain on your desk during breaks.
You can't use this time to power up devices, like mobile phones—if you do, your scores will be canceled.
You’ll likely be done around noon.
We mention mobile phones and electronics often, and for good reason. Your scores will be canceled if you don’t follow the rules around devices.
Things to keep in mind:
Test administration staff reserves the right to collect and hold mobile phones and other prohibited electronic devices during the test administration, including during break periods.
If your device makes noise, or if you’re seen using it, or if you attempt to access it at any time, including breaks, you’ll be dismissed immediately, your scores can be canceled, and the device may be confiscated.
College Board isn’t responsible for loss or damage to personal items, including electronic devices, while you’re in the test center.

MCPS Parent Academy Workshop
How much do you know about the ACT and the SAT? This workshop will help families understand the difference between the two college entrance exams in terms of content, question types, length, and skills tested, as well as what tests schools prefer. Unique to this presentation will be the sharing of a one-of-a-kind one minute assessment to determine which test is best for students. Facilitated by Breakthrough Test Prep. Recommended for families of middle and high school students.

April ACT
What to Bring on Test Day
Bring These
Admission Ticket
Print a copy of your admission ticket to bring to the test center. If you forget your ticket on test day, your scores may be delayed.
If you have lost your ticket, you can print another through your MyACT account.
Acceptable Photo identification
Acceptable photo identification is required to be admitted to the test center. You will not be admitted to test if your ID does not meet ACT requirements.
Unless required by your local laws at the test center, masks are not required for admission. However, you may wish to bring a mask and ACT recommends masks in accordance with CDC guidance.
Number 2 pencil
Bring sharpened, No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens). Do not bring any other writing instruments; you will not be allowed to use them.
Watch or Other Timing Device
You may bring a watch, timer, or stopwatch to pace yourself during testing, but it may not have an alarm. Your watch or other timing device must be removed and placed on your desk while in the test room, so that it remains visible to staff during the test. If an alarm sounds, you’ll be dismissed and your test will not be scored.
Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. You are not required to use a calculator at all, but if you do, it
is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.
to eat outside the test center on break.
Don't bring any of these; you can't access them:
Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, or other aids
Highlighter pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid/tape
Any electronic device, other than a permitted calculator and acceptable watch or timing device
Reading material
Tobacco in any form
Prohibited devices
The prohibited use of devices is in effect from the time you are admitted to your testing room until you are dismissed at the end of the test, including break times. Specifically:
You may not handle or access a cell phone or electronic device at any time in the testing room or during break times. This includes smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, Wi-Fi, internet, or communication capabilities.
All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight.
If you access your device or it activates or alarms in the testing room or during break times, you will be dismissed, your test will not be scored, and your phone or device may be taken away.
Calculator Policy
The ACT calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials.
Bring a permitted calculator to be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.
Acceptable Forms of ID
Current official photo ID
Must be an original, current (valid) ID issued by a city/state/federal government agency or your school.
ID must be in hard plastic card format. Paper or electronic formats are NOT acceptable.
Your first and last names must match the ticket. The photo must be clearly recognizable as you.
ACT Student Identification Form with photo
You MUST present this ACT Student Identification Form (PDF) with photo if you do not have a current official photo ID as described above.
This document must be fully completed by a school official or notary public; neither may be a relative.
Unacceptable Forms of ID
You will not be admitted to test if you present any forms of ID other than those listed as acceptable. The following are examples of unacceptable identification:
ACT ticket alone
Birth certificate
ChildFind ID card
Credit, charge, bank or check cashing cards, even with photo
Family portrait or graduation picture, even if the name is imprinted on the photo
Fishing or hunting license
ID issued by an employer
ID letter that is not an official ACT identification form
LA Wallet
Learner's driving permit (if it doesn't include a photo)
Temporary/replacement driver's license (if it doesn't include a photo)
Organization membership card
Passport or other photo ID so old that the person presenting it cannot be identified
Personal recognition by anyone, including members of the test center staff, classmates, parents, counselors, and teachers
Photo ID of parents
Photo with your name embossed or printed on it by a photographer
Photocopies or reproductions
Photos issued by a business for promotional purposes (e.g., amusement parks)
Police report of a stolen wallet or purse
Printed, stamped, or photocopied signatures
Published photo, including yearbook or newspaper
Report card
Social Security card
Telephone calls to counselors, teachers, or school officials
Traffic ticket, even with a physical description and signature
Transcript, even with photo
Web page with photo
ACT Test Descriptions
The full ACT consists of four multiple-choice sections—in English, mathematics, reading, and science—with an optional writing section.
TestNumber of QuestionsMinutes Per TestEnglish7545Mathematics6060Reading4035Science4035Writing (optional)1 essay40
Your scores will be based only on the number of questions that you answer correctly; there is no penalty for guessing. Try to answer every question within the time allowed for each section.
What to Expect on Test Day
Going to the Test Center
Dress comfortably. Consider dressing in layers, so you'll be comfortable.
Arrive by 8:00 am.
If you're unsure where your test center is located, do a practice run to see how to get there and what time you'll need to leave.
If possible, travel to the test center on a non-test day to plan your travel time.
You must arrive on time to be admitted to test. Your testing time is located on your admission ticket. You will NOT be admitted to test if you are late. Testing staff will check your photo ID during check in. Be ready to begin testing after all on-time examinees are checked in.
Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures. Testing staff may use an electronic device or paper materials to administer the test.
During the Test
Once you break the seal on your test booklet, you cannot request a Test Date Change, even if you do not complete all your tests.
A permitted calculator may be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted. Please refer to the ACT Calculator Policy (PDF).
Do not engage in any prohibited behavior at the test center. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored.
During your registration process, you will agree to the ACT Terms and Conditions, which contains detailed information about prohibited behavior. On test day, you will once again be asked to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Taking a Break
A short break is scheduled after the second test. Using cell phones or any electronic devices during the break is prohibited. You may eat or drink outside the test room during the break.
If you take the ACT with writing, you will have time before the writing test to relax and sharpen your pencils.
Finishing Up
After the science test you should expect to take a shorter, multiple-choice test covering one of the previous subject areas. The results of the fifth test help develop future test questions and will not be reflected on your scores, so please try your best.
Students taking the ACT (no writing) with standard time are normally dismissed about 12:35 p.m.; students taking the ACT with writing are normally dismissed about 1:35 p.m.
If you do not want your scores reported, you must tell a member of the testing staff before you leave the test center. If you do not, your test will be scored.
Additional Reminders
Please note that ACT may visit test centers to conduct enhanced test security procedures including, but not limited to, collecting images of examinees during check-in or other security activities on test day.
Also remember that cheating hurts everyone. If you see it, report it.
Unexpected Changes
Missed Your Test Date?
Once you have submitted your registration to ACT, by any method, it cannot be canceled. For more information see Registration Changes.
Rescheduled Test Centers
Occasionally, a test center must cancel a test administration due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances. When this occurs, the test will be rescheduled for a future date. Visit Rescheduled Test Centers to find out if your test center has been rescheduled and for more information about procedures.

Virtual Workshop - MCPS Parent Academy
Clock is Ticking...Create a Successful Path from High School to College
6:00-7:00 pm
Is your child college ready? Join us to learn useful tips and strategies to help prepare for college success. We will discuss the importance of establishing a four-year high school plan to prepare for college, share the do's and don'ts of college essay writing, and explore how COVID-19 has changed the college admissions process. Presented by Breakthrough Test Prep. Recommended for families of middle and high school students.
Register through the MCPS Parent Academy page: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/parentacademy/workshops.aspx

March SAT
Register at collegeboard.org
What to Expect on Test Day
Before test day, make sure you become familiar with these procedures and rules.
Pandemic Safety Procedures
While many test centers are still requiring masks, your test center may have decided not to if students in your area aren't wearing masks in school during the week. Check your test center's website to see if the mask requirement for the SAT has been waived. Bring a mask on test day, just in case, and wear it as directed by the test center. Remember to also practice social distancing at all times.
Be prepared to answer questions about your health prior to entering the test center. If you feel sick the day of your test, please stay home. Contact customer service for your options. You won’t be charged a change or cancellation fee if you stay home due to illness.
Check your test center's website for any additional or specific entry requirements it may have. If you're traveling to test, it's your responsibility to know and follow any quarantine requirements or travel restrictions in the location where you're testing. At check-in, test centers might require proof that you've followed quarantine requirements, travel restrictions, or both.
Check for Test Center Closings
Monitor test center closings in the days leading up to your test and the day of your test to make sure your test center hasn't changed or closed.
We also recommend that you check directly with the test center, including the test center's website, on the morning of the test.
Doors Open at 7:45 a.m.
All test centers open at 7:45 a.m. Doors close at 8 a.m., unless otherwise noted on your admission ticket. You can’t be admitted once testing has started. If you're late or absent on test day, you can reschedule. We recommend rescheduling as opposed to reregistering—it will cost less. Find out more about changing your registration information.
Make sure you show up with everything you need.
Testing Starts Between 8:30 and 9 a.m.
Your seat is assigned, not chosen by you. Wait to be seated. Here’s what will happen next:
The proctor will read all instructions verbatim from a manual and can answer questions only about procedure, not about test questions or content.
The proctor will tell you when to start and stop working on each section.
You must work within each section of the test only for the time allotted.
You may not go back to a section once that section has ended.
You may not go ahead to a new section if you finish a section early.
Don’t skip sections. Doing so may result in score cancellation, delays, or both.
After the test is finished, the proctor will collect and count the test books to make sure all materials have been turned in before dismissing you from the testing room.
Don’t be surprised if your test experience isn’t exactly like that of the student sitting next to you. The sections in your test book might be different.
For most students, there’s one 10-minute and one 5-minute break during the test, the only times you can eat and drink.
Keep your ID and admission ticket with you at all times. They’ll be checked every time you enter the testing room.
Test books, answer sheets, and calculators must remain on your desk during breaks.
You can't use this time to power up devices, like mobile phones—if you do, your scores will be canceled.
You’ll likely be done around noon.
We mention mobile phones and electronics often, and for good reason. Your scores will be canceled if you don’t follow the rules around devices.
Things to keep in mind:
Test administration staff reserves the right to collect and hold mobile phones and other prohibited electronic devices during the test administration, including during break periods.
If your device makes noise, or if you’re seen using it, or if you attempt to access it at any time, including breaks, you’ll be dismissed immediately, your scores can be canceled, and the device may be confiscated.
College Board isn’t responsible for loss or damage to personal items, including electronic devices, while you’re in the test center.